Oct 3, 20182 min read

How I hacked my cats with an Arduino


I have three cats and I love them… and they love chasing the uncatchable dot of a laser pointer. Playing with my three cats takes a lot of time, and sometimes I don’t have much time for them 😿

I asked myself, why couldn’t my cats play with their favourite game on their own? Because it requires a human presence. So I decided to give them this opportunity and automated this process.

Cat laser

I built a laser turret for my cats, programmed to move randomly and connected with Wi-Fi.

I decided to use an esp8266 D1 mini because I think it’s awesome! It’s like an Arduino, but it has a Wi-Fi module, which allows to connect all your projects to the Internet. It’s small, cheap (2€) and compatible with the Arduino IDE.

esp8255 D1 mini

It allowed me to connect to Blynk. Now I can launch it remotely and program it with desired time and duration.

Blynk is a free Platform with iOS and Android apps to control boards such as the Esp8266, Arduino, Raspberry Pi over the Internet. It’s really simple to set up and have a working app in less than 5 minutes.

My Blynk app

Blynk application
Blynk app

To build your awesome Laser Cat, you need:

Here is my electronic diagram.

The “X” servo is attached to pin D5 and the “Y” servo to pin D6 and powered in 5V.

The laser module is attached to pin D7 which allows to power it in 3.3V.

⚠️ Powering the laser module in 5V could hurt cat eyes.

Electronic diagram

The code is open source and available on GitHub (don’t forget to add a ⭐️).


😺 Enjoy your cat.

Happy MissT